
Reports represent an important component of quality management in the Center of Excellence. Excellent scientific work is striven for according to the principles of 1) responsibility and active participation of all members of the Center of Excellence in the activities of the research community as well as 2) the process-oriented evaluation and consultation within the Center of Excellence. The emphasis of quality management, aside from various forms of publicity work and external reporting (to the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt as well as presenting research results in scientific discourse), lies on internal evaluations. The scientific advisory board plays a central role in the consultation and review of the research processes. These reports fulfill an important function for internal as well as external evaluations of the work of the Center of Excellence. Reports guarantee the transparency of internal processes for a wider public and further serve to present the progress and results of the research and of the benefits gained through e.g. participation in conferences.

Conference and Workshop Reports (in German only)

Further Reports