The faculty advisory board of the Center of Excellence "Enlightenment – Religion – Knowledge" represents ten project fields with their own research. Projects from broader academic disciplines and fields of study are affiliated with the Center of Excellence as associated projects. Research projects of the fellows in the Graduate College further complement the research of the network. Their research is summarized under the section on the Graduate College Programme.
Prof. Dr. Monika Neugebauer-Wölk (History)
Prof. em. Dr. Manfred Beetz (German Studies),
Prof. Dr. Michael Bergunder (Theology),
Prof. Dr. Werner Nell (Comparative Literature),
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stolzenberg (Philosophy)
Prof. Dr. Udo Sträter (Theology)
Prof. Dr. Josef N. Neumann (History of Medicine),
Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Ruf (Music),
Prof. em. Dr. Arno Sames (Church History),
PD Dr. Christian Soboth (German Studies),
PD Dr. Ulrike Gleixner (History),
Prof. Dr. Pia Schmid (Education),
Prof. Dr. Hermann Goltz †,
Prof. Dr. Swetlana Mengel (Slavonic Studies),
Dr. Thomas Müller-Bahlke (Director of the Francke Foundations)
On the Development of Hermeneutics in the Enlightenment
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Barth (Theology)
Prof. Dr. Claus-Dieter Osthövener (Theology)
Prestige, Criticism, Education: Conduct Norms for Handling Knowledge in European Comparison
Prof. Dr. Heinz Thoma (Romance Languages and Literature)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Fulda (German Studies),
Prof. Dr. Sabine Volk-Birke (English Studies)
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Viehoff (Media und Communication Studies)
Prof. Dr. Gerd Antos (Applied German Linguistics)
Cultural Patterns of the Enlightenment
Prof. Dr. Daniel Fulda (German Studies)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Barth (Theology),
Prof. Harald Bluhm (Political science),
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Koerrenz (Education, Jena),
Prof. Dr. Stefan Matuschek (German Studies, Jena),
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Röseberg (Romance cultural studies),
Prof. Dr. Heinz Thoma (Romance Languages and Literature)
History as a Form of Knowledge
Prof. Dr. Daniel Fulda (German Studies)
History of Communication and Sociability in the Enlightenment
Prof. Dr. Monika Neugebauer-Wölk (History)
Philosophy of Religion and Theology in the Enlightenment
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Barth (Systematic Theology)
Group 1
Group 2